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Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET)

The BET controls the Town and Board of Education spending, sets fiscal policy, prepares the annual budget for RTM approval, and determines each year’s tax mill rate. The BET controls the town purse strings and determines how much money is spent on town infrastructure, including our school buildings. The RTM approves the BET budget but cannot increase or add funding. ​ Board members are elected (in odd years) to two year terms. BET is made up of 6 Democrats and 6 Republicans. Each slate of 6 is chosen (endorsed) by their respective party Town Committee.
Name | Party | Role | Term Expires |
David Alfano | R | Member | 2026 |
David Weisbrod | D | Member | 2026 |
Elliot Alchek | D | Member | 2026 |
Harry Fisher | R | Chair | 2026 |
Karen Fassuliotis | R | V Chair & Clerk | 2026 |
Leslie Moriarty | D | Member | 2026 |
Leslie Tarkington | R | Member, Chair Budget Ctte | 2026 |
Lucia Jansen | R | Member | 2026 |
Matt Deschamps | D | Member | 2026 |
Nisha Arora | R | Member | 2026 |
Scott Kalb | D | Member | 2026 |
Stephen Selbst | D | Member | 2026 |
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