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CT already has highest electric rates in the country, why not raise them another 19%

This week, utility regulators approved a plan that will lead to an increase in bills for customers of Eversource and United Illuminating beginning in July. Eversource rates will rise by nearly 19%, and United Illuminating rates will rise 12%. CT has the highest electric rates in the country.

The Greenwich Time explains here why CT electric prices so high.

  1. State mandated purchases of more expensive renewable energy such as solar and wind (hydro and nuclear not included, but should be)

  2. Unattractive terms of the Millstone nuclear power purchase agreement

  3. State mandated Pandemic-related coverage for hardship customers' unpaid electric bills carried by rate payers and not covered in the State budget

  4. Lack of nearby supply of cheaper natural gas related to restrictions on pipelines and shipping ports

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