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Stamford highway program at Greenwich border will add lanes

A $76 million dollar project funded by the Federal Highway Administration is intended to alleviate congestion between Exits 6 and 7 on I-95. Going northbound, Exit 6 is Harvard Avenue and Exit 7 Washington Blvd. Going southbound, Exit 7 is Atlantic Street and Exit 6 is West Avenue. The program will add auxiliary lanes.

About 150,000 vehicles pass through Stamford exits 6 and 7 daily and the many exits in close proximity creates a dangerous situation. So far this year, 224 people have been killed on CT roadways. That represents almost one death per day over a 12 month period.

Between the lines: We are told this will make the highway safer and will take only one year to complete. Let's hope the result will not cause new bottlenecks in Greenwich.

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