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Town Budget Decision Day #3 with no decision

On Monday April 8, the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) spent a 3rd day on the Town Budget. The meeting started late and had many interruptions as the caucuses took long breaks and then ran into a 4pm deadline without approving the budget. Here are the highlights so far:

Nathaniel Witherell - Both sides agreed that the $3 million plus annual overruns were not acceptable and the BET added conditions on releasing 10% of the funding with a requirement that if breakeven was not achieved by the end of 2024, strategic alternatives such as private management or reductions in size would be required.

Mill rate - Assuming the budget as negotiated so far is passed, the mill rate would increase by +2.8% to 11.72. However, with the Grand List (valuations) rising 1.08%, expect your total tax levy to increase +3.9%. If the budget is not passed, last year's budget remains with no increases.

Next (and final?) meeting - April 16 at noon.

According to the Greenwich Time story here, Mike Mason, a longtime former member of the BET and past chair, said he has been involved with setting the town budget for the past 30 years and has never seen Decision Day spill into four days.


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