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Why did our children leave Connecticut?

More people are moving out of CT than any other state. Why?

CT was once a thriving economy until the cost of high taxes to finance the public sector's high wages, pensions and health care has made the State unattractive for business formation. This analysis by doctor Joe Bentivegna from Fairfield CT who ran for Senate and Congress has many insights.

It all began in 1991 when CT instituted a state income tax for the first time. Since then the CT income tax has ballooned into one of the highest in the nation to pay for these gold-plated State employee pay packages. While other states (most recently New Hampshire) are removing their income taxes, CT is doubling down.

Add to that:

The rising crime in CT, much due to our sanctuary state/city status, has increased our auto and home insurance costs.

The use of more expensive alternative fuels pushed by the climate change lobby has caused a spike in our utility bills (public benefits charge).

Our private health care insurance (unlike the subsidized state employee plan) is overpriced and involves a battle to get reimbursed.

Our poorer citizens are being fleeced by the CT Lotto and leglized marijuana dispensaries, all of which is taxed to fund the State pension plan.

Between the lines: Connecticut is the pizza capital of the world. You can serve it to your grown up kids but only when they come to visit from out of state.


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